Friday, February 1, 2008

My name is Tim Cuff, and I will be an intern for the Children’s Museum in Easton from January to May 2008. I’m an English major and a senior at Stonehill College working here for credit, and the credit couldn’t come much easier. My experiences so far at the museum have been great. The museum is collaborating with the PBS Kid’s Show FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman™ starring the cartoon dog seen to the left. Part game show, part reality TV, and part spoof, FETCH! targets six to ten-year-olds and features real kids, real challenges, and real science. I teach FETCH! Labs that recreate the science and engineering challenges kids see on the show. Last week the kids made arts and crafts optical illusions called “thaumatropes” while this week they learn about cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension (of course by playing with water). So until I graduate, I will be blogging about my experiences at the museum, the activities we have, and interactive learning in general. So I hope this is helpful. Read, enjoy, and bring your children down to the museum. It’s a great time!

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