Sunday, November 16, 2008

And The Winner Is...

Last week was finally the results of the intense voting that has been going on for the past couple weeks. The monkey came out the winner, with the bunny coming in a close second. What should me name our newest friend at the Museum? I think I feel a new contest coming on! Make sure you keep your eyes open for it! How much do you know about monkeys? Well did you know that most monkeys live in forests and Savannah’s or equatorial Africa? Monkeys don’t just love bananas. They also east ripe fruits, young leaves, stems, roots seeds, bark and insects. Ew! I couldn’t eat what a monkey does! Sadly most are nearing extinction because of deforestation and commercial hunting for bush meat. Monkeys are pretty cool animals. I was rooting for the bunny but I’m glad that the monkey won. They’re pretty cute…I guess.
I wonder if monkeys eat ice cream? Hmmm.During this week in the Fetch! Lab we made ice cream! We didn’t use any blenders or freezers, just our muscles! We did a whole lotta shaking. I never knew that I could only make ice cream by using cream, sugar, vanilla, ice and salt! I’m so glad I figured out how so now every time I want ice cream I don’t have to get up and go to the store! It was a yummy week in the Fetch! Lab. Next week is going to be pretty cool as well! We are experimenting with the forces of energy! How cool does that sound?! I hope to see you stop by!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hi! I'm Eliza, but if you stopped by our Halloween Romp last Saturday you might know me as the tooth fairy. To get into the Halloween spirit a couple of my friends and I went to a haunted house put together by a couple students from Mansfield High School. They did such a great job! I was so completely scared and had no idea what was coming for me next. The best part about this haunted house was that all the money they would go straight to the Mansfield Animal Shelter. One night alone raised just about 3,500 dollars, that's awesome! After being so scared from the haunted house I decided to carve a friendly pumpkin, not to mention the easiest pattern I could find. It came out pretty..well friendly. So what where you for Halloween? I ended up putting my tooth fairy costume with my very large but very pretty wings and took out my basket and became little red riding hood. My favorite story of all time! Halloween being the great holiday of free candy I had to go trick or treating. My friends and I went to every single house on the block, and when our bags were filled we went home and decided to count our candy. I have so much candy it's going to last me til Christmas!

Being in the Halloween spirit I have always wanted to know how witches' cauldrons bubble and in the Fetch! Lab this week I finally got a chance to find out how. If you too want to know how witches' do it find out here! If there is enough room in your stomach after eating all that Halloween candy come and visit Megan and I have a lot of cool things coming up this week, including making ice cream! We have even started our very own Fetch! Club and we want you to join! When you stop by we can sign you up and then make sure you keep coming back to complete six challenges to receive a pretty cool prize! Also make sure you stop by before Tuesday, November 4th to vote for your favorite animal! Grown-ups aren't the only ones who can vote!

Oh ya! By the way this week instead of coming in on Tuesday, I'll be here Thursday and November 11th Veterans Day 10-4pm because its exploding rainbows that day!