Sunday, November 16, 2008

And The Winner Is...

Last week was finally the results of the intense voting that has been going on for the past couple weeks. The monkey came out the winner, with the bunny coming in a close second. What should me name our newest friend at the Museum? I think I feel a new contest coming on! Make sure you keep your eyes open for it! How much do you know about monkeys? Well did you know that most monkeys live in forests and Savannah’s or equatorial Africa? Monkeys don’t just love bananas. They also east ripe fruits, young leaves, stems, roots seeds, bark and insects. Ew! I couldn’t eat what a monkey does! Sadly most are nearing extinction because of deforestation and commercial hunting for bush meat. Monkeys are pretty cool animals. I was rooting for the bunny but I’m glad that the monkey won. They’re pretty cute…I guess.
I wonder if monkeys eat ice cream? Hmmm.During this week in the Fetch! Lab we made ice cream! We didn’t use any blenders or freezers, just our muscles! We did a whole lotta shaking. I never knew that I could only make ice cream by using cream, sugar, vanilla, ice and salt! I’m so glad I figured out how so now every time I want ice cream I don’t have to get up and go to the store! It was a yummy week in the Fetch! Lab. Next week is going to be pretty cool as well! We are experimenting with the forces of energy! How cool does that sound?! I hope to see you stop by!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love monkeys! I voted for them as well! This probably has to do with all the great appearances from Mojo the Monkey at the museum!
