Friday, April 18, 2008


After much planning, The Children’s Museum in Easton is having a PHOTO CONTEST through the blog! I’m very excited about this, as the winner will receive an ACM Membership worth $100!!

Have you visited our museum and taken a spectacular picture of your child? Now you can use that to win a free
ACM membership at the museum for one year! This $100 value can be yours with the Museums first ever spring photo contest.
Submit an original, non-professional photo of your children interacting with various exhibits at the museum, and send them to with the subject line reading “photo contest”.
Try to avoid posing, and have the pictures show natural interactions.
Themes and prizes for photo winners are:
-The Great Outdoors: Winner of a photo outdoors at the Museum’s “Wild Place” will receive
$25 to the Museum’s gift shop
-Even Adults Have Fun: Winner of a photo of children and their caregivers together at the museum will receive $25 to the Museum’s gift shop
-Learning and Playing: Winner of a photo of children interacting with an indoor museum exhibit will receive $25 to the Museum’s gift shop.
-Best Photo: Overall best photo (anything at the museum goes) will receive an ACM Membership for one year: A $100 value that gives free access to the Children’s Museum in Easton as well as 110 museums across the country for 1 full year!!
Winners and updates of the photo contest will be posted and featured right here on the blog!

Images should be emailed in jpg format, 2 MB or smaller.
Please include:

-child(ren)’s name
-caregiver(s)’ name
Up to three (3) photos may be submitted by each entrant. (Limit one prize per household.)

Entries must be received by May 1st at midnight.

For the full rules and regulations, check here.

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